
Welcome to my Portfolio! I document here my efforts in UX design, artwork, and writing. Have a look around!

Vision Pieces

Vision Pieces

Many projects are effective, and difficult and impressive, but not attractive. Because a good designer doesn’t make a product inconsistent by forcing their product to align with their own personal style.

So I wanted to make this post showcasing some of the mocks I have been able to do fully in my own style as vision pieces for the Adobe.

New Workfront Home

For this project, I was proposing a new home page/dashboard for two of our main users, a Creative, and Operations persona types. On each page I carefully placed the information that was most relevant to them, in a way they would most prefer to see it.

Workfront + Express Boards

My Integrations team had the chance to integrate Workfront with Express. After feedback from our customers showing they did not care for our previous work management presentation style, I proposed Workfront boards, that would expand from our plugin outward into a full page experience that was colorful and delightful as Creatives want it, and would also feel simple and easy to use.

Time-tracking AI

The Creative process is burdened with time-tracking and project reporting. We wish to be free of it. With this AI my team is proposing, the AI will do it for them! And upper management can stay much more easily up to date on where projects are in the process.

First, a creative will dump all their thoughts and to-dos onto a blank canvas.

The AI will then sort the items as best it can, group tasks beneath projects, categorize projects and provide an icon the user can click to begin time-tracking on that project or task.

For any input that has a predictable next step, the AI will ask if it can help you along.

It will then offer a suggested calendar with time-blocked out for each item.

The Creative can look and see how this breaks down their week. Though really this section will be more attractive to administrators.

View time-tracking based on Project, Task, Category or even Asset.

Finally, in retrospect you can compare how things actually went, vs what was predicted.

And the Creative and Management can see where things went amiss, and possibly correct expectations on a project, assign additional help to a project or help the Creative re-prioritize their work based more on what the Manager wants from them.

Workfront Plugin Deep Dive

Workfront Plugin Deep Dive