
Welcome to my Portfolio! I document here my efforts in UX design, artwork, and writing. Have a look around!

Research: WF + CC Integration Discovery

Research: WF + CC Integration Discovery

This is a research readout I did in partnership with my product manager, and one of our UX researchers, in response to feedback we were receiving from our users that our Workfront + Creative Cloud product did not feel easy to use.

Over 4 weeks we together conducted 10 interviews with key clients about their experiences, analyzed data around these key users, and then I put together my UX recommendations around best ways to fix the issues that were surfaced.

The results of this readout were enormous, and impactful, as we were able to show leadership that our top user, who in the past we had thought was an Admin-type persona was in fact a Creative Persona. And that their experience with our product was poor, and their needs were not being met.

Multiple plans are currently being created to address the issues surfaced in this research readout that cross many of Adobe’s platforms, and even new teams to accommodate the anticipated workload. It is a full-tilt pivot for Workfront that is extremely hard to ask for, without thorough research, but I feel extremely proud to say this work has done that. And thereby had an enormous impact on the company’s direction.

Workfront Plugin Deep Dive

Workfront Plugin Deep Dive

Merchant Onboarding

Merchant Onboarding