
Welcome to my Portfolio! I document here my efforts in UX design, artwork, and writing. Have a look around!

Using Familiar Interactions to your Advantage

Using Familiar Interactions to your Advantage

Apple has design standards. That is a given. But even beyond that, considering what actions your users are already used to, when developing your own mobile app, will help make your app seem all the more intelligent and intuitive.

The tiniest design decisions even between shades of grey, (and in the case of mobile) the amount of time they hold their finger on the screen, can influence the experience.

Here is an example of some research I did for DOMO into the most common and heavily used IOS apps, to see what sort of interactions our users were used to seeing, and what they would expect from us.


A lot more thought goes into making a process seem smooth, than you may initially think! You will find significantly more success in designing interactions if you take it easy on the innovation, and carefully keep in mind what your people already know.

Convenience is King

Convenience is King

No use crying over Sunk Costs

No use crying over Sunk Costs